You each brighten our world a little more every day. Thank you for being a part of
our lives, I am truly blessed.
Sherry-sis (countrywingsinphoenix)
Celeste (larearose)
Ginger (glitterandroses)
Carol (Buttercup)
Maggie (grandmayellowhair)
A drive down the street ...
that every year delights the wee ones & old
What makes opening your mail delightful. We love you so much Renee (our precious niece)
A simple holiday dinner
Our lovely blessing of the year
Miss Mackenzie Paige (3 mns.)
We are going professional!
Our loves ... Ashley, Joshua & little Miss M
Ansel's school concert (middle row, 3rd from left)
Tatiana's school choir names the Recess
Choir as they give up one day a week of recess to sing in the choir. (2nd row from back, dead center)
Ansel & Tatiana presenting us with our Christmas gifts, artwork they created.
Poppy & Mimi by Tatiana
Mimi by Ansel
Enjoying the stockings from their great-aunt & uncle