The lady & hydrangea original artwork is the piece that set this former Civil War bedroom for Joshua, into motion. It took me one week to pull it all together. The tear drop crystal came from my Mother's necklace & is set upon 2 vintage pieces of linen glued to the frame, then surrounded by another old frame.
Welcome! Stay a bit & hopefully enjoy the visit ...
Entering into the bedroom ...
The dresser was formerly in Joshua's Civil War bedroom so I painted it but left the original hardware. So loved the lines of the dresser.
This mannequin (Miss Maggie) was a fluke when I stumbled upon her while looking for a couple of blue dishes I needed. She is vintage with her original labels.
The floor lamp was an ewgaly brushed brass $2 find at a yard sale; out came the white paint. The roses on the lamp shade we had custom made to attach to the shade.
The bridal's chest was minus one leg & slightly 'aged' & brown ... so I got out more paint, added new legs & used it to brace G'ma Maggie's front door off her home in Chehalis, WA. on 4th Street. When Mother & I closed up the house I took the front door. The etched glass insert was removed & given away. I have had this door stored in our basement for years not having a clue what to use it for. It was a navy gray, beautifully white now. I left all the original hardware. Perfect.
The side tables have been in the basement ever since we closed our shop. They are near matches & fit the bill.
My wee collection of Wedgwood ...
Another vintage frame encompassing a vintage butter pat ...
The hearts were made by Sandi @ Wayside Treasures ... made perfect tiebacks for the sheers.
This window looks upon our front patriotic circle gardens
Walking thru Costco I saw this magazine with hydrangeas on it & snapped it up! Little did I know until I started reading it that the Pittock Mansion in Portland OR was featured ... & we had just been there. I was thrilled.
These are Burslem dishes that we had in the shop. They are so sweet.
I made the ladies slipper & found several French postcards ...
Prior to Joshua's Civil War room this same room was actually painted using the scene on the platter ... the blue birds were over each window, closet & entry door. It was a spectacular room in blues & pinks. It is now Sherry-sis & Tanza's room.
Hand drawn lady original piece of art ... don't you love the filigree base of the floor lamp peeking thru!
G'ma Maggie's linen bag with her name hand inscribed inside the flap that she brought from Ireland as a young lady in ca 1906, on the far right. I was so thrilled when I happened upon it a couple months ago.
A wee tuffet that I created ...
I love this old rocker, the pillow is from Tara @ Loveleigh Treasures in Centralia, WA
Mother's (Mary Caroline Neu Middaugh) necklace adorning Miss Maggie ...
The hydrangea glove box was created by Celeste @; we make the teacup lights; the mirror we found in our closet stashed away for years so out came the paint once again
The vintage cobalt blue perfume is so dainty ...
The Holy Card is from Sandra @
The vintage Victorian posey holder is made from knife & spoon handles ...
The hair combs were my Mother's, the compact is monogrammed
The waste bin is actually an old sap bucket we had painted. She does magnificent flowers
Loving vintage silverware that Harold made into 'holders' for cards
The heart is set on a heart linen from Tanza @; the bracelet is from my paternal g'pa when I was a little girl. He brought it back from AZ. on one of his silly searches for gold. Many of the linen are my Mother's.
This darling Delft shoe pin cushion was created by Sherry-sis @
Loving tea, we make teapot lamps & I love this one
Vintage gloves, necklaces, beads, linens & chintz tea cup
Sherry-sis sent me this gorgeous elegant pillow for the bed. So love it!
Matelasse vintage coverlet is adorned with vintage pillows. Donna @ created a pillow insert for the pillow on the far right
Within this wall we framed several pieces of Civil War art of Harold's for Joshua. I just changed the shade of blue & added these vintage pieces of gorgeous china. The center Delft piece I treasure from our trips to Holland; the English pieces of our trips to England ... the Flow Blue brings back fond memories of Mother & both Grandmother's pieces from way back when.
I took Tanza's suggestion & bought the Joann Coletti pillow covers with the 8" drop ... they are stunning
My latest beauty to arrive was the hydrangea silver tray that Celeste @ painted for me. It is beyond breathtaking. I love going into the bedroom just to look at it, perfectly placed upon the bed. Her artistry makes you feel as those there are fresh flowers gently laid upon the tray ...
Sherry-sis & Tanza ... this is what your bedroom looks like now that it is completed.
A vintage hand created quilt & another hand crocheted coverlet
Pretty window bottles
The dress was made by my Mother for me for Christmas when I was approx. in 7th grade. It has a velvet blue bodice & bright plaid skirt.
Of the teacup chandies that we make, this is my pride & joy.
The teacups are not vintage, they are Russian tho the chandie base is older. I hope you enjoyed my room, it was with great joy to see finished.
Please join Miss Beverly, our hostess @ Pink Saturday