I saw this great idea to add some bright delight to a garden on Facebook & had a couple of bare
spots in our garden that we were going to plant azaleas in ... so thought I'd give this a shot & see how it goes this year. What fun & interest from passers-by ...
Went to the local tire shop & they gave me for free these old tires which I spray painted
Sweet Tanza had this precious sign made for me, from Donna's boutique in California.
Thank you so much my sister-friend, it brings warm snuggly love into my life & thoughts of you every day.
It so perfectly adorns our upper terrace to view always from our
kitchen area.
Directly above it hangs our little angel bell from Sherry-sis.

We have a patriotic circle where our flag proudly flies in the front yard.
It is always surrounded in reds
Our gardens on the left side facing our home. This year the dogwoods are all giving us the show of their lives. We have over 60 dogwoods, rarely do they all bloom nor are they as full as they are this year. Winter weather must have been good to them.The rear of our home is graced with these lovely pink cherry blossoms that look like snow when they fall ... they cover the pergola over the 3 terraces
Mother so loved her Bleeding Hearts, I think of her every time I see them bloom ... precious memories
Earlier I shared facing the left side of our home, this is the reverse of that side. The climbing roses on the arbor are so full & filling in so beautifully ... anxious for the blossoming to begin
This gorgeous lemon yellow rhodie is the second one to bloom in the spring
This rhodie blooms first yearly
So back to the spray paint ideas ... I had all these hanging baskets that we fill yearly. I think there are 12 ... they hang on the pergola in several spots
So I got this brain storm to spruce them up
In golden yellow
Soft blue
Rose pink
Medium lavender
Baby yellow
Sea blue
Another soft blue
Not sure what this is but love the blossoms
My primrose garden is doing beautifully. They are the fullest I've ever seen, so rich in colors & enormous blossoms.
The dogwoods are all so full & luscious in beauty
The first spring rhodie blooms
She just pops in the gardens, with a little phlox & a ruby/yellow tulip
The palest soft pink ruffled tulip fades to a creamy white center
This is the primrose garden that is now even fuller & richer in color ...
& our sweet little Mackenzie in her spring flower dress. Gosh, she is 19 months already. Time is flying ... love every second we get with her. She is our hearts & love. In the morning Poppa loves seeing her sleeping like an angel, then rolls over with this huge smile & says 'morn' ... melt your heart!