... of years gone by ...
~Emery 3 1/2, Michael 2 1/2 & Caroline 18 mn.~
(Just arrived back in states from 3 yrs in Hawaii,
Christmas Eve in Chehalis, WA, at G'ma Mary's)
I do not know who was more excited for Christmas to arrive, the children or myself.
We'd rattle those boxes & try to guess what
each parcel held. As a child I so remember
sometimes carefully unwrapping those gifts
& then rewrapping them ... anticipation &
patience I had not, as a child, never got
caught either for which I am most grateful ...
God's precious gift, our first grandson ...
~ Caroline, Joshua, Harold, Marydon, Emery (our son) ~
What joy to have that child-like magic once again
come alive with our bundle of joy ... Joshua so
loved the twinkling tree & pretty packages ...
We'd sit in the front room around the tree in the
eve after dinner, I'd read a story & we just chat.
Santa please lend me your ear ...
~ Joshua Ryan Carty Ford ~
What fun we had on Santa's Express Train ride
Joshua, Mini Marydon, Poppy Harold
You so enjoyed the Christmas 'treasure hunt'
for your gifts ... bible verses or words of wisdom
were on each 'ticket', you'd have to bring each
gift back after you found it, for another clue ...
you were questioned throughout the day about
the verses & messages to make sure you had
memorized them. How you loved the 'hunt'.
How quickly you have grown up ...

Our second set of blessings from our son Emery
& Cathelene' ...
~ Mini Marydon, Tatiana Isabelle, Poppy Harold & Ansel Emery ~
There is no greater joy than giving birth to your own child, but there is no greater blessings & enjoyments in life than grandchildren ...