In church I was surprised to see this note in our bulletin...
~ Our church, St. Peter's, started Mary's House for single mother's. We collect items they need for the babies. The call is for diapers at this time. ~
When we left church I asked my husband about this comment requesting 'that the brand be Walmart's or any other name brand except Target's.' Hubby refreshed me quickly that Target is the one who treated the Salvation Army so poorly & refuses to allow them to collect for the needy at the Target store locations during the holiday shopping season.

~ History ~
I did not realize the following, nor does it matter ... just an FYI. Many people believe that The Salvation Army is as American as apple pie but in actuality it is a global organization with its headquarters in London, England.
It was founded in 1865 in the United Kingdom by William Booth and his wife Catherine as the East London Christian Mission with a quasi-military structure. The theology of the Salvation Army is "mainstream Protestant.
My comment is this ~ the Salvation Army is known for its selfless spending on their organization & leaders who run this organization ... compared to other charities in this country. I was surprised when I got online to see the small salary & expenditures of these marvelous people. I was startled to see how high a % actually goes to '... the people in need' of these collected funds, rather than in the individual pockets of the organization.
I hope you will take note online to personally check out all organizations you donate to & review their expenditures ... especially during the holidays.
I, personally, am very disappointed in Target & will think twice before I shop there.
We will be covering those 'little buns' with diapers for sure. I hope that you will find some 'little buns' to cover, also. We will also help out the Salvation Army as we find a bucket.
Thank you for allowing me to share ...
Hi Marydon, I really enjoy your blog. I am shocked that Target would be so uncaring. We do not have a store here, but down in Utah there are some. That is the closest to us being an hour away.
ReplyDeleteI am new to blogging, sorta, and found you through your sisters blog. I hope I am not repeating myself. Have you seen my new blog? I would love to have you stop by. the url is: http://throughthewoods2.blogspot.com I would love to follow your blog. If I mentioned this in a previous comment,sorry. My remember-er doesn't work very well sometimes.
I hope you are doing well from your hospital visits. And that all is well. Take care, Janet W
ReplyDeleteMy son and daughter-in-love work for Target. It is the company's policy not to allow ANY organization to solicit for donations on their property. Once you allow one, then you have to allow anyone and every one.
Target , itself, is ranked one of the most charitable organizations in the World, donating millions of it's OWN money to charities. I did read somewhere that 5 % of it's profits goes to charities.
Just thought I would mention it.
I am not a Walmart shopper and the few times I do go to WalMart, I was mobbed at the doors by people looking for donations.I do not mean charities but organizations like cheerleaders, soccer teams, etc. Because once you allow one, you must allow everyone.
That is just my point.
Have a great Thanksgiving Day!
Oh girl, we have to cover those little buns:) I remember that story about Target but I still shop there! I also drop money in the various buckets outside of Kroger and Walmart! I pray that the money gets to where it is supposed to get! Hugs and Prayers my dear Marydon... have a blessed Saturday!
ReplyDeleteI only hear good things about the Salvation Army and I take note of where they set up their kettles. One of them told me this week that they finally got permission to set up in front of a store..guess what it was..a Salvation Army thrift store!
ReplyDeleteWell, that was interesting and informative...both the history of the Salvation Army and current endeavors.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this information. I never realized that was going on.
ReplyDeleteIt's true. I contacted them and they were very defensive about it.
ReplyDeleteThe Salvation Army is everywhere. When they had the earthquake in Haiti, I went on their website. They have been in Haiti since the fifties. I donated to them since they are already planted there and had resources right there. They are the best!
A special note from another reader ~
ReplyDeleteRead your blog & couldn’t agree more with you about the Salvation Army being a selfless organization. The officers do spend much of their free time in promoting charitable efforts with very little compensation whereas other “charitable” groups, namely the Good Neighbor Fund compensate their staff rather handsomely with high six figure incomes, not to mention how well the advertisers make out. I sometimes wonder if the recipients receive as much as 20% of their total take.
I personally quit donating to the GNF (who try to entice us with freebies) and began sending checks directly to local organizations which have been extremely grateful, and put 100% of the money where it belongs; in the hands & stomachs of the needy. In Anchorage, Bean’s CafĂ© & the St Francis Shelter have accomplished far greater good that the GNF could ever hope to do. In Kenai, the Senior Citizens Shelter has also been a favorite “target” of mine.
I am not certain if you knew that Meriam commissioned a carpenter last month to start building a “cabin” on one of our properties in the P.I.’s, but one day it is my hope to use it as a springboard to launch a food bank over there to help the needy. I am planning to purchase additional land to start another farm where we will be able to grow food, and then give it away. In doing so, it will help feed the local children who on many nights go to bed with those growling pangs of hunger. I just hope I live long enough to be able to bring that effort to fruition.
Your favorite brother,
Hi Marydon, This is interesting information. I'm glad you shared it. Thank you for the nice comments you made on Spiritual Sundays. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I love this post.
ReplyDeleteI grew up poor and there was many a times My Mother would go to the Salvation Army and get help. They never turned her down.
Alot of Christmas's the only gifts and food I got was gifts that was from them and I feel I was blessed by that.
I always go through my home a few times a year to donate to them and even when we do not have much money I always give them what I can in remembrance of what they did for my Mom and me a christmas.
Thanks for sharing. I didn't know the history behind the Salvation Army but I always put money in their buckets.
ReplyDeleteHi Marydon
ReplyDeleteThat IS shocking that Target does not allow Salvation Army to collect during the holiday season. Now I wonder why? Well it seems Target has given themselves some bad publicity.
What a great idea your church has to help out the young mothers and babies. Diapers...they sure are expensive aren't they and this will definitely help.
HAve a wonderful weekend..
I think it is awful that Target won't allow them to collect for the poor. We have always supported the Salvation Army and one of the ladies that co-chaplains with my husband is a retired SA "general"(?) Her heart is bigger than her body! xo Diana
ReplyDeleteThanks for these wise words. Thanks for doing the research!
ReplyDeleteHope you and my buddy Harold are doing well and staying out of trouble:)
Hugs and prayers,
Oh My Gosh Sis...
ReplyDeleteI have to share this story with you. Almost 27 years ago after we moved here to the valley, we had 3 small children, our home had just been robbed and it was 3 weeks before Christmas. What little we had for the kids was under a small tree, that my Momma and Daddy had bought us, along with a few gifts for the children. Robbers kicked our front door down and came inside and took everything. I mean totally cleaning us out.
Someone at the school, turned our name in to the Salvation Army as a family in need, and they found a company to adopt our family for the holidays.
I had no idea, but a few days before Christmas a semi truck pulled up in front of our home, with a turkey and ham, and all the fixins for a Holiday dinner. Along with 3 scooters for our kids, and presents for everyone. I stood at the door and cried.
I will forever be grateful to the Salvation Army. I send a check every year to them, hoping to help another family going through what we did. The wonderful thing about the Salvation Army is they give their monies locally, it goes back into the community. The community who is donating.
It makes me sad to hear that any company, even if they donate to charities, would not let them stand in front of their stores during the holidays. It is the one time during the year, that the most shoppers are out shopping, and they can reach the most people to help families in need.
God Bless those bell ringers. Remember every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings. I wonder how many angels lives they touch as well.
Buck, you beautiful brother you, what a wonderful thing you have done as well. I can see the families working the land now, and picking their harvest. A beautiful gesture indeed.
Many hugs sweet Sis, and SO much love, your lil Sis, Sherry
You know I rarely shop at Target - so this is good. I am a Wally World gal myself.
ReplyDeleteI think Target is more expensive too.
We bring diapers in for our church as well.
Oh Marydon!!!!! Congrats on beautiful Mackenzie!!!
ReplyDeleteShe is gorgeous!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
love, kelee
I have heard that before about Target... but then I also hear they donate millions a year to charity ... so I am torn about them... because I know other companies also donate millions and still allow Salvation Army to ring their bells :):):):)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that.
ReplyDeleteI thought I had seen them at the one here in Idaho, but maybe not.
Thanks for reminding me of the Salvation Army and Target. I don't really understand their policy but it certainly seems they have their hearts in the wrong place. I always love seeing/hearing the SA volunteers and often ask them if I can get them a cuppa coffe/tea/hot cocoa. They are always so kind and love to spread the joy.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about the SA history but I think it's very interesting and thank you for sharing it with us.
Many Blessings to you and yours this wonderful Thanksgiving season!